Free movie downloads

Watch Free Full Movies

Unlimited full movie downloads with no per title fees or recurring billing
Watch movies on your PC/Mac, TV, Mobile phones, Tablets, Ipad, Iphone, Ipod, Android, MP4 player, ITV and PSP
User – friendly hassle free movie downloads
Downloads available 24/7 with no geographical/time/content restrictions
Download and burn movies to dvd and create your own movie collection!
One time low cost membership fee. No additional costs..ever!

Movies Capital is one of the best legal movie download sites currently on the Internet. For one low price, you are able to watch the movies immediately streaming on your computer, save them to your hard drive to watch later or burn to disc and watch on your DVD player. Once you have found a legal movie download site that you can trust, you are ready to begin. Search the database of available movies to find the one that you want to watch. If you do not have time to watch the movie immediately streaming online, then you will need to download it directly to your hard drive. As long as you get your downloads from a legal site, you do not have to worry about bandwidth or time restrictions and slow download speeds. The movie you want will download quick and easy. Once the movie you want is downloaded to your hard drive, you are ready to go. All you need is a DVD burner, you can create your own legal DVD movies to watch anywhere, and anytime you choose. imoviesclub is one of the best places to watch old movies is in the privacy of your own home with the people that you love. You can do this easily by downloading old movies right to your laptop or personal computer from a movie download site that you know and trust.

Are you are stuck on a train every morning and every evening traveling to and from work? You can kill the time watching one of your favorite movies. Simply log on to your choice of movie download sites and search to find the movies that you want to watch. Next, download the file to your computer, and then transfer it over to your favorite mobile device. Now you are able to enjoy the ride as you catch up on movies that you thought you would never have time to watch.

Do you have some time to kill at work? If you want to save gas and money at lunchtime, turn dining at your desk into dinner and a movie. If your employer allows, or if you run the place, and you are able to access you movie download account from work, you can stream your favorite films right on your computer. If you prefer, you can download the movies to your home computer and burn them to a DVD to watch on your work computer or a portable player.

Do you spend a lot of time in airports and hotels away from home? You can pass the time between flights with a great action film right on your laptop. Get comfortable in your hotel room after a long day working on the road by watching the movies starring your favorite actors.

Best of all, you do not have to throw out your television set and figure out how to get your whole family in front of your laptop. You can watch the movies you get online right on your television set. One option, if your equipment has the capability, is to connect your PC to your TV with the help of audio and video cards and watch the downloaded movie straight on your TV set.

Finally, if you want to watch movies that you download from an online movie site on your family television set, all you need is a DVD burner and a disc. Download the movies that you want to see to your hard drive, then burn them onto a DVD and play them in your regular DVD player just like you would any movie you picked up at the local rental store. is a legal movie downloads service. The website has the licenses to distribute it's movie titles online both for direct downloading and online streaming methods.

You can download as many movies as you want with absolutely no restrictions,limits or additional fees. The concept of is "Unlimited movie downloads" which means that once the membership has been paid members can download unlimited movies from the members area and never have to pay any additional fees or be charged ever again.
This service offers a wide range of supported devices. The movie formats are supported by almost any Computer, cellphone, MP4 player and popular portable devices such as Ipad,Iphone,IPOD,PSP,Archos etc.Some portable devices that have browsing capability via an in-built browser such as an IPAD or IPHONE will allow you to stream the movies directly on your device without  even needing to download them first.

Absolutely! All movies are "download to keep" which means that once downloaded you can keep the movies forever and create your own collection of movies. You can either burn the movies to DVD or store them on your computer or portable device to watch anytime you want.

All membership plans include full access to our ebooks and audio books archive that includes more than 45,000 ebooks and audio books. You get complete access to our archive without any further costs.

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